Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shoutout to All my Supporters!

Do you have haters...If you answered yes name 5 of them out loud to yourself then ask why they hate you so much...If you know they have a good reason then stop calling them haters & call them regular people. Why does everybody blame haters for their downfall, & at the same time give them credit for their success. Sadly most people never name supporters for their success. Most of us who have claimed haters don't have them, & if we do it"s our fault they hate. I met a dude who said his biggest hater was his ex-girlfriend. I asked him why & he said because she caught him in a huge game changing lie & decided to leave him...hate I think not. Nobody ever says I'd like to thank my supporters for helping me get to where I am. Maybe they do but i just feel haters get way to much credit now a days...but what do I know. Hey if you have them & they motivate you, by all means use the fuel. But if you don't have a lot of haters like myself be sure to give a shoutout to the supporter...they need love to!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kicking Down Doors: New Years Blog pt. 1



New Year, New Year's Resolutions right? Wrong…If you know my stance on resolutions (see last year's blog) then you would know that I'm a believer in you are what you were on Dec. 31st, any additional let's say dietary improvements would have come sometime before you inhaled the Thanksgiving Turkey and the Christmas Ham, just saying. Any way I have come across a few goals that I want to accomplish that I honestly couldn't have prior to a few months ago when I decided to seriously go down this journey of laughs. I and the comedy partner in crime had a sit down on New Year's afternoon discussing the plans for the New Year and what we want to do to get this show on the road, literally. I'm putting these goals out there because I've found when I talk big (public ish) the more likely I am to do it. So here goes.

  1. By year's end I want to get a paid gig become a real professional. In some way shape or form I want to get paid for the funny! I understand that for many comics this takes years and I know I am probably no exception to this rule, but if I don't put it out there I won't go for it. I'm not saying I expect to be a traveling headliner doing shows across the world, but by next year I do want somebody else to have paid for the coffee I drank in that Borders New Years afternoon when we came up with these plans.
  2. Expand the Network. Get my ideas out there and rub shoulders with those people who can help me get to where I want to go with this journey. It's a simple task that comes with hard work and dedication to the craft. In order to be in those circles I have to work like…excuse me harder than those who are in these circles. Gotta stay humble and always looking for a crack in the doorway of success. Like the late great James Brown said it "I don't want nobody to give me nothing, just open up the door and I'll get it myself"
  3. I want to get to a point that by March I won't be afraid to go on any stage being confident in my work and material. I say March (late march) because this will be the six month mark and by then there will be no turning back. And honestly I don't want to. I've set in my mind to do this, and this experience thus far has granted me a wealth of information about myself and the world around me. I've learned so much from these past 3 mos and I'm excited about what I what I am going to learn in the future.
  4. Finally a goal is to open up and basically be a scrub for somebody you all may know, again hard work there are people who have been in this for decades and don't have that opportunity. I know cats who have tried their hand and all this and were really good but quit because they didn't see a break like this in sight, and I understand there logic, lucky for me I haven't been a logical creature for quite some time…
  5. All this being said I have one more goal that will probably take a whole new blog to be able to explain and I will further explain and hopefully somebody out there will get something from this because the next blog is a personal but more importantly it's a lesson in owning what's yours…whatever it may be…

Friday, December 24, 2010

This New Journey

Wuddup world? All of you kind people who browse this blog by accident or pity or you're a stalker wanting to know my inner thoughts and rants to befriend me with this inside information. Whoever you are I'm glad to have your attention once again to fill you in on my most recent endeavor. I been away from the blog for some time, not that I've forgotten ya'll or didn't have anything to get off my chest, but I have been in the early stages of trying to write the next chapter of my life. with school behind me one way or the other, it's time to focus on me….if you thought I was doing that before you don't know me well enough. These last few months I've thrown myself at the mercy of those around me, more specifically strangers who don't give 2 rats tails about me. I've taken my talents to the stage and I'm currently trying my hand at comedy, standup comedy to be exact. For those of you that ask why, or what the hell the answer is I have no idea. The more holistic answer is I have no idea why I haven't tried my hand at this sooner. The time I spend working on jokes, must be what Kobe feels like in the gym in the off season getting ready to play at an MVP level I feel competitive when I write, competitive with myself, I want to be better at this than I have wanted to be better at anything in a long time. When I get on stage I want to be the best comedian I can be. The rush of the stage is something I've never felt before, the anticipation of the crowds laughter, controlling a room, making people smile or think is something I've always wanted. It's funny though that this whole process is actually helping me in other areas of life.(that I'm going to share in detail later) For starters though I've found that this whole standing in front of strangers and letting them rip into you with their eyes is scary, but what's even scarier is seeing yourself afterwards and knowing that wasn't you, (i.e. I haven't found my voice yet) and that they're so many improvements needed to get to where you want. Which means now its fight or flight, either I'm going to spend hours perfecting the craft or add this to the pile of things I "may" have been good at. For the first time in a long time I've latched on to something that I can't let go of. The stage, the fear, the work, the writing, the whole process speaks to my soul. My folks don't get it now, my friends for the most part support it but I know some think I'm a damn fool, but honestly as one of my comic mentors told me, "if you for like this don't stop until you want to and if you are for real about it you won't be able to stop it." This is soul art, something you do because something in you is crying for it. At this stage of the process in the words of one of my best friends "I still smell of placenta" I'm fresh, brand new, but honestly this is something I'd regret not giving it my all, and the late hours I'm spending writing preparing honestly don't feel like work at all…and besides everything I'm doing now is definitely for the FREE…and I still love it, and I will continue to seek the stage if for nothing else its cathartic nature. I'm going to revamp the blog a little in the future, giving ya'll the videos of my sets, adding a little more humor to the writing, but I'm still gonna try and put ya'll on the music I'm on, lessons I've learned, and tears I've cried on this journey. I'm gonna keep it raw with ya'll and hope we both get something out of this journey…Let's Get It!